Saturday, December 31, 2011

Dec 17, 2011 ODC Christmas Party

Our annual Christmas party was held at the house of Larry and Carol Welford, with the executive board being the co-hosts.

The meeting was called to order by the President, Larry Halstead.

The treasurer's report was presented with $1,024.20 as the balance before the Christmas party expenses. Both the Secretary and Treasurer’s report were approved.

The Sunshine Lady’s report: Janice Parson’s mother passed away while Janice was on her cruise.  The memorial service was held after Janice returned, hence the reason Janice was not at the Christmas party.  Leo and Norah both are ill as is Wayne Simmons.  Velda is home and going through therapy.

Old Business:
40 year patches are still available at $3.00 each.

New Business:
The Executive Board recommends the following as Chapter Contributions:

   *$45.00 for the Wounded Warrior project from the Motorcycle Ride at the Spring Samboree
  * $75.00 for the Micah Ministries and whatever is collected  by “passing the hat”. 
The recommendations were approved, and the hat was passed collecting $130.00 for the Micah Ministries.

Camping trip fees will continue to be $5.00 per campout with the amendment of $5.00 per person over the age of 18.  We will monitor the camping expenses and fees annually for any adjustments needed.

Fund Raisers for 2012:

Motorcycle  ride at the May Samboree.  Funds collected will go to the Wounded Warrior Project.  Larry Welford will head up.

Hamburger sales at the May Samboree.  Kay will head up the committee for hamburger sales.  Craig will once again make the burgers.

Larry Welford led the induction ceremony for the new and re-elected officers.  Sandy Freed was installed as Vice President and Rebecca Messerle was re-installed as Secretary/Treasurer.

We recognized and thanked Jim Settles for the 5 years he served as Vice President.  Job well done.

Greg Smith spoke about the 2012 camping season.  He reviewed the responsibilities of the Trip Captains.  Trip Captains will pick the campgrounds and make the reservations.  If a deposit is needed, contact Rebecca Messerle and she will provide the deposit out of the club’s funds.    Greg passed around a sign up sheet. A list of camping weekends was attached to the agenda as was a list of recommended campgrounds.

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